Case Studies

sectors > Cooperatives
A Multi-faceted Society


All round financial succour to marginal farmers at village level


Small and marginal farmer members of Choppadandi PACS, Karimnagar district, Telengana

The Challenge:

  • Limited access to institutional credit
  • Limited working funds of PACS, resulting in its inability to meet credit demands of members
  • Farmers forced to borrow from moneylenders at exorbitant interest rates

The Solution:

  • NABARD sponsored a 360-degree financial assistance programme to empower Choppadandi PACS which covered vehicle loans, loans against pledge of jewels, petty trade, etc.
  • Business Development Plan was prepared covering credit and non-credit needs of members

The Impact:

  • PACS members avail loans at affordable rates
  • Nine villages covered under the programme
  • 89% increase in deposit base of PACS; 37% increase in PACS share capital; 55% increase in profits
  • PACS now a competitor to public sector banks in the area