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Tribal youth, farmers turning informed entrepreneurs
Telangana | July 2019
Things are looking up for Tribal youth and tribal farmers who have come of age to turn entrepreneurs or looking for income generating opportunities.
The vocations they chose are also in tune with market demand and cater to the aspirational life styles of people and the Tribal Welfare Department recently finalised the list of entrepreneurs who submitted proposals for various business ventures.
A State-level committee selected the proposals submitted by 24 ST beneficiaries who will set up their units in franchise model or on their own such as bakeries, restaurants, beauty and skin clinic and other viable options.
“The applicants for financial assistance under the Chief Minister’s ST Entrepreneurship Programme are educated, did their market research and finalised their ventures,” Principal Secretary,Tribal Welfare, B.M. D.Ekka said.
Selection committee
The selection of beneficiaries was done by the committee comprising officers of State Bank of India and representatives of Indian School of Business as members. The committee evaluated the submitted proposals before giving clearance for 60% subsidy on the project cost. The Committee sanctioned a total subsidy amount of ₹9.89 crore and, on an average, each approved beneficiary would get ₹40 lakh to ₹45 lakh.
“We are confident that in the next six to seven months, these ventures like eateries, restaurants and beauty clinics will establish themselves and make a mark in Hyderabad and surroundings,” committee members said.
Some entrepreneurs are all set to begin and even hired premises and all they need is the release of sanctioned amount from the Finance Department. We are expecting it any time, department sources said.
In the farming sector too, 25 farmers and producers organisations (FPOs) have been selected in the three ITDAs of Utnoor, Bhadrachalam and Eturunagaram. Earlier limited assistance used to be given to the FPOs by the SERP and NABARD.
Now the department wanted to enhance the assistance significantly to the trained members of FPOs to set up godowns, custom milling centres, agricultural equipment that can be given on fee and to construct marketing sheds.
NABARD support
The State level meeting of Tribal Welfare department selected 25 FPOs for this season that was attended by the NABARD officials. Each FPO would get 60% subsidy, 30% to be given by NABARD or SERP and 10% by the FPO concerned. The selection of FPOs was done with due diligence and after examining the audited books. The president and secretary of each FPO gave a power point presentation on their proposals on how to improve farmer’s incomes, Mr. Ekka said.