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Brahmapur DCCB to computerise PACS on lines of Nabard
Brahmapur | October 2019
Following in the footsteps of NABARD, which has taken upon itself the task of computerizing 95 thousand PACS across the nation, Brahmapur Central Cooperative (BCC) Bank will computerize all PACS operating in Ganjam and Gajapti districts by the end of the year, reports The Pioneer.
The BCCB arrived at the decision in a recent meeting with Secretaries and Managing Directors of all the 254 Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies and Large Area Multipurpose Cooperative Societies (LAMPS).
It was revealed during the meeting that, 80 percent of PACS are making transactions through computers and 102 PACS have micro ATMs.
Several top local cooperators attended the meeting.