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Corporate Planning Department

The Corporate Planning Department (CPD) of NABARD undertakes the key responsibility of integrating various functional departments of the organisation. It is the window through which NABARD interfaces with the Government of India on policy related matters and with various international bodies for funding of developmental projects. The analysis undertaken by the department helps the organisation in presenting macro perspectives about policy- related issues to the Government, besides helping NABARD in undertaking annual credit planning and budgeting exercises. The overall thrust of the department is towards improving the quality of decision-making of the organisation through a consultative mechanism.

Core Functions of the Department:

Preparing the Annual Business Plan of NABARD

CPD coordinates with other departments within the organisation to formulate the Annual Business Plan of NABARD.

Facilitating Resource Allocation for Agriculture and Rural Development Sectors

CPD, through a mechanism of consultation and research, identifies the gaps in the sector and proposes the need for allocation of resources by the Government of India in its annual budgetary process.

Liaising with various Ministries of Government of India, State Governments and the NITI Aayog

CPD discusses and coordinates with various Ministries of the Government of India and the NITI Aayog on matters related to agricultural credit, rural development and related matters. This facilitates a more grounded and MIS-backed policy formulation.

Interacting with Reserve Bank of India

CPD interacts with the RBI on issues related to agriculture and rural development, credit planning, monitoring, and operational issues. It coordinates with RBI for problems related to the supervisory process and interventions in Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) & Rural Co-operative Banks.

Negotiating with International Development Agencies

CPD negotiates with various international agencies to implement innovative development projects in agriculture and rural development.

Dealing with Parliament-related Matters

CPD is the nodal department for furnishing information on matters for discussion with the Parliamentary Committees. It also furnishes inputs/information to various ministries in the Government of India towards replies to questions raised by Members of Parliament on subjects related to agriculture and allied sectors and rural financial institutions.

Credit Planning and Monitoring

CPD formulates policy guidelines for preparation of district-wise Potential Linked Credit Plans (PLPs), which helps to identify infrastructure and linkage support requirements. These plans form the basis of the Annual Credit Plan prepared by Banks in the respective districts.

Issuing Guidelines for Preparing State Focus Papers (SFPs)

CPD issues guidelines for State Focus Papers that are prepared for every state. The major focus is to highlight infrastructure and linkage support requirements for facilitating smooth flow of credit. The SFP is essentially an aggregation of the district level PLPs and support the State Level Bankers Committee (SLBC) in its annual credit planning and budgeting.

Coordinating the functioning of District Development Managers (DDMs)

CPD guides and supports District Development Managers (DDMs) across the country in areas of credit planning, monitoring and coordination. The DDM is entrusted with the prime responsibility of credit planning, monitoring and co-ordination and evolving a coordinated approach for credit deployment in the respective district, in coordination with banks, stakeholders and other development agencies. As on July 31 2023, there are 481 officers [423 DDMs and 58 DDM (R)] managing 758 districts including 8 UTs in the country.

Addressing Credit and Developmental Issues related to Northeast States

CPD addresses credit planning, monitoring and developmental issues of the North Eastern Region of the country.

Facilitating periodic consultations with Banks

CPD organises periodic meets with Priority Sector Heads of Banks for discussing issues related to agricultural credit and initiatives needed for stepping up of credit for agriculture and other rural sectors.

Acting as the data warehouse for Agricultural Credit

CPD monitors and collates data related to ground-level agricultural credit provided by various financial institutions. CPD makes this information available to the Government of India, Reserve Bank of India, etc.

Attending to Grievances and Complaints

CPD facilitates to resolve grievances/complaints forwarded by the Government of India or received directly against client banks.

Projects with External Agencies:

Externally aided projects are conceived, designed, implemented and monitored jointly by NABARD and Bilateral Development Agencies such as KfW, GIZ and Multilateral Development Agencies such as IBRD, ADB, etc. These projects provide useful development initiatives to the hinterland of the country as the expertise and international experience of such agencies provide critical inputs. In addition to rich experience sharing, these projects also augment the capacities of all partners and enhance institutional capacities. In the past, NABARD has closely partnered with the Swiss Development Cooperation, Asian Development Bank, World Bank, European Union and the German Development Cooperation.

NABARD has been partnering with KfW and GIZ for more than three decades. It utilises the support/assistance from external agencies such as GIZ and KfW to test models of development in various sectors in the domain of agriculture and rural development. Based on such pilots/models/experiments in development, it brings the successful and impactful interventions using its resources to the mainstream. Some of the projects currently being implemented with KfW and GIZ support are provided hereunder:

Sr. No Project Name Objectives
1 KfW-Umbrella Programme for Natural Resource Management-II (Accompanying Measures) The Programme aims to provide funds to enable NABARD to finance Natural Resource Management (NRM) projects in order to develop holistic and participatory approaches to NRM and to further mainstream these approaches into policy frameworks and financial instruments. Total 334 projects were sanctioned under the programme, of which 12 are ongoing.
2 KfW-Integration of Watershed Development for Rehabilitation of Degraded Soils & Climate Change Adaptation (SEWOH-II) The aim is to reduce vulnerability to climate change of small scale farmers in selected watersheds through stabilisation, enhancement and sustainable use of soil and water resources. The project is being implemented in 55 completed watershed projects of Kerala and Jharkhand states. The programme is under implementation and is valid until December 2023.
3 KfW-Integration of Watershed Development for Rehabilitation of Degraded Soils & Climate Change Adaptation (SEWOH-III) The aim of the programme is to reduce vulnerability to climate change of small scale farmers in selected watersheds through the stabilisation, enhancement and sustainable use of soil and water resources. The project will be implemented in 48 watersheds in three states, viz., Bihar, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. The validity of the programme is until December 2024.
 4 GIZ Technical Cooperation Project on ‘Soil Protection & Rehabilitation for Food Security in India (ProSoil)’ The objective of the programme is promotion of soil conservation measures in about 153,000 ha, of which 53,000 ha in the target areas supported by NGOs and 100,000 ha are in the target areas for implementation of digital advisory platforms in the states of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh to improve crop productivity. The programme had validity until December 2017 and is extended up to June 2023, The process for extending the programme until December 2024 is under progress.
5 GIZ Technical Cooperation Project on ‘Capacity enhancement for Sustainable Agriculture and Sustainable Aquaculture (C-SASA)’ The aim of the programme is to provide technical support to existing NABARD's portfolio such as Watershed and Tribal Development, through development and deployment of GIS-based decision support system to map and analyse the projects. The project will also support NABARD in enabling an effective FPO ecosystem. The validity of the programme was until March 2023.
6 GIZ Technical Cooperation Project on ‘Climate Adaptation and Finance in Rural India (CAFRI)’ The overall project objective is to improve Indian Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) on climate adaptation with regard to the need and evidence-based planning of adaptation initiatives and climate-sensitive design of financial instruments. The focus of the project is to strengthen the capacity of NABARD to mobilise climate finance for adaptation and implement needs-driven, gender-responsive climate adaptation measures.

For more details on the projects currently being implemented with the support of KfW and GIZ, please see the following link:

Ongoing projects under implementation

Contact Information

Shri Satish B. Rao
Chief General Manager
2nd Floor, 'C' Wing
C-24, 'G' Block
Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)
Mumbai 400 051
Tel: (91) 022-68120019
E-mail Address:

Information under RTI – Section 4(1)(b)

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