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Case Studies

sectors > Farmer Collectives
A Joint Front


A Joint Front


Banana farmers in Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh

The Challenge:

  • Farmers unaware of prevailing market rates often sold their crop to traders at minimal profit
  • An average of 5 crore lost locally on account of inability to access markets
  • Lack of knowledge about market dynamics
  • Motivating and educating farmers to come together

The Solution:

  • NABARD helped in formation of Chagantipadu Farmers Club
  • Members came together to form the Sri Vigneswara Farmers Mutually Aided Marketing Cooperative Society
  • A banana market yard was established for direct selling of bananas with the help of the Society
  • Capacity-building support provided to highlight the power of joint marketing

The Impact:

  • Farmers able to nearly double their income through optimum price discovery in the market yard
  • Construction of own pucca storage-cummarket yards and processing plants by other Farmers Clubs formed by NABARD
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