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Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme for Commercial Production Units for organic/ biological Inputs

Note: The confirmation for continuation of the scheme has not been received from GoI from the financial year 2021-22.

The scheme is being implemented by the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers’ Welfare (DAC&FW), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, GoI, through National Centre of Organic Farming (NCOF) in collaboration with NABARD and National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC).NABARD will be administering the subsidy and monitoring the progress of the scheme besides providing refinance support to the eligible financing banks for the term loan extended under the scheme.

The increased and indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and the deteriorating soil health and productivity is concerning people all over the world. Growing awareness for safe and healthy food has underlined the importance of organic farming, which is a holistic system based on the basic principle of minimising the use of external inputs and avoiding the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

In view of these challenges, there is a need in the country to augment the infrastructure for production of quality organic and biological inputs. Accordingly, under the National Project on Organic Farming a Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme for Commercial Production Units for organic/ biological inputs was introduced in 2004-05.

Objectives of the scheme

  • To promote organic farming in the country by making available organic inputs, such as bio fertilisers, bio pesticides as well as fruit and vegetable market waste compost and thereby generate better return for the produce
  • To increase agricultural productivity while maintaining soil health and environmental safety
  • To reduce total dependence on chemical fertilizers and pesticides by increasing the availability and improving the quality of bio fertilisers, bio pesticides and composts in the country
  • To convert organic waste into plant-nutrient resources
  • To prevent pollution and environment degradation by proper conversion and utilisation of organic waste
  • To establish bio fertilisers and bio pesticides production units
  • To set up fruit and vegetable waste compost unit
  • Beneficiaries (Eligible for Subsidy)

  • Individuals, group of farmers/growers, proprietary and partnership firms, co-operatives, fertilizer industry
  • Companies, Corporations
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
  • Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMCs) 
  • Municipalities 
  • Private entrepreneurs Links for downloads

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