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Loans to Warehouses, Cold Storage and Cold Chain Infrastructure

Consequent to the announcement of an allocation of Rs. 5,000 crore to NABARD in 2013- 14 and 2014-15 budget for supporting creation of infrastructure for storage of agricultural commodities, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued guidelines for creation of Warehouse Infrastructure Fund (WIF 2013- 14 and 2014 -15) in NABARD. The Fund envisages extension of loans to Public and Private sectors for construction of warehouses, silos, cold storages and other cold chain infrastructure.

2. Activities Covered

Loans will be provided for projects involving creation of storage infrastructure with a minimum aggregate capacity of 5000 metric tons (MT) for agricultural and allied produce, including construction of:

  • Warehouses
  • Silos
  • Cold storage, Controlled Atmosphere (CA) Stores, other Cold Chain Infrastructure Activities like Pack Houses/ Integrated Pack Houses, Reefer Vans, Bulk Coolers, Individually Quick Frozen Units, Chilling/ Freezing Infrastructure, etc.
  • Construction/ Modernisation/ Upgradation of Marketing Infrastructure Facilities of Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee (APMC).
  • Modernization/ Improvement of the existing storage infrastructure projects will be considered on merit of each proposal provided it leads to Scientific/ Additional storage capacity.
  • There’s no minimum capacity for projects of Governments/ Government owned corporations.

3. Eligible Institutions/Entities

  • State Governments
  • State/ Central Government Owned/ Assisted entities, Cooperatives, Federations of Cooperatives, Farmers’ Producers’ Organizations (FPOs), Federations of Farmers’ Collectives, SPVs set up under PPP mode, etc.
  • Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS)/ Cooperative Marketing Societies (CMS) or similar institutions.
  • Corporates/ Companies/ Individual Entrepreneurs etc.
  • Agricultural Produce Marketing Committees (APMCs)

Additional Information

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