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Marketing Initiatives

To enable the artisans not only to sell the products in marketing events, but to market their products and benefit directly from the market feedback for better value realization in future, financial assistance by way of grant is provided on selective basis.


NABARD supports and provides marketing platform to rural artisans and producers to exhibit their traditional art crafts, produce and products through exhibitions and melas which facilitate the artisans in not only utilizing their expertise as source of livelihood but also help them in enhancing their income.

Rural Haats/Rural Marts

To enable the artisans not only to sell the products in marketing events, but to market their products and benefit directly from the market feedback for better value realization in future, NABARD extends financial assistance by way of grant for setting up of Rural Haats and Rural Marts.

RUDSETI / RUDSETI Type of Institutions / RSETIs

As an effort to institutionalize the Entrepreneurship and Skill Development initiatives, NABARD provides support to specialised institutions viz., RUDSETI/RUDSETI type of Institutions & RSETIs, which provide entrepreneurship development and training to rural youth/women on various skills, which can generate better livelihood options. Assistance is provided to these institutions, which comply with the criteria stipulated by NABARD.

NABARD had earlier supported conduct of 30,341 REDPs/SDIs with a financial assistance of ₹ 109.77 crore, imparting training to 7.83 lakh unemployed rural youth.

In order to broad base the skill initiatives , in addition to RSETI/RUDSETI, new set of partner agencies (NSDC affiliated training institutes, Government agencies, Corporates under CSR, NGOs, Trusts and other voluntary agencies) have been included so as to cover the skill requirements of different segments of society. NABARD aims to train around 1 lakh rural people in 2 years viz. 2017-18 & 2018-19, out of which about 50% will be women.

NABARD is also in the process of digitizing the skill development initiatives to bring all the stakeholders in a single platform.

Rural Innovation Fund (RIF)

Rural Innovation Fund (RIF) is a fund designed to support innovative, risk friendly, unconventional experiments in farm, off-farm and micro finance sectors that would have the potential to promote livelihood opportunities and employment in rural areas.

Support available under RIF can be in the form of loan / grant/ incubation fund support, or a mix of all the three components. The support is designed to be need based, cost effective and dependent on the requirement of the project, also taking into account some financial involvement by the proposer. This is decided on a case-to-case basis. “On completion of the tenure of RIF on 30 September 2014, the fund ceased to exist. However, NABARD continues to support rural innovations”.

Support to Rural Housing and Rural Sanitation

NABARD is extending financial assistance for rural housing and sanitation to the eligible institutions.

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