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forms part of the central government rural development and microcredit innovation scheme

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The State Kudumbashree Mission is all set to digitize all information pertaining to self-help groups (ayalkootams) under it. The information will be available at the fingertips of its members once the project is complete. It forms part of the central government rural development and microcredit innovation scheme.The pilot project will begin with the digitization of 11,600 ayalkootams in Kasaragod district. Of the Rs 1 crore set aside by the government for the scheme, Kudumbashree has got approval for the first instalment of Rs 24 lakh. Supported by the central government and National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), Kudumbashree digitization of Ayalkootams is aimed at the effective and transparent functioning of microcredit enterprises. Ayalkoottam member's bank account details, savings, loans and personal details, and other necessary information will be available online.

Through the implementation of the scheme, each ayalkootam member can register their functions, record their performance and improve upon it. Further it will help banks assess the Kudumbashree members' ability to repay loans on time. Based on it, banks can offer loans to the members of ayalkootam. If the pilot project in 11,600 ayalkootams of Kasaragod is successful, the scheme will be extended to all other districts, Kudumbashree officials said.

The trained animators under the auspices of NABARD will collect the information relating to Ayalkootams for digitization and will train the ayalkootam members. As part of the digitization scheme, the ayalkootam members will be offered tablet computers to register the information online.

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