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DC Launches Ambitious Drive Under Nabard To Make Farmers Aware Of Menace Of Paddy Straw Burning
Jalandhar | September 2018
In order to make the people especially the farmers aware of the hazardous effects of the paddy straw burning, the Deputy Commissioner Jalandhar Mr. Varinder Kumar Sharma today launched an ambitious scheme of NABARD to create awareness amongst the people on this sensitive issue. Complimenting NABARD and NGO Pehal, with whose support this drive was being launched from local Central Cooperative Bank, the Deputy Commissioner said that it would go a long way in tackling this menace in an effective manner. He said that it was the high time that people were made aware of ill effects of paddy straw burning, which poses a serious risk to the health of individuals. Mr. Sharma said that people must be made aware of the damage caused to human health and environment due to paddy straw burning, for which this campaign would play a key role.The Deputy Commissioner said that the need of hour was to organize village level camps to motivate the farmers to shun this practice. 
Varinder Kumar Sharma said that the campaign must focus on making the farmers aware of the negative effects of paddy straw burning adding that it was the high time when farmers when farmers were encouraged to make firm resolve to save environment by shunning this hazardous practice. He said that those farmers who were indulging in this practice were in reality stewing thorns for their coming generations by gifting them a polluted atmosphere.The Deputy Commissioner appealed the farmers to refrain from this practice which was in fact a practice against the humanity. He said that the farmers of the village have set an example that the paddy straw could be efficaciously used for making organic manure besides being utilized as fodder for cattle. Earlier, the DDM NABARD Mr. LK Mehra, Deputy Director Krishi Vigyan Kendra Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Head of Pehal Prof. Lakhbir Singh and others welcomed the Deputy Commissioner.