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To double farm income in Assam by 2021-22
MUMBAI | October 2016

GUWAHATI,  Oct  15 With  the  logistic  support  extended  by  ARIAS  Society,  a  brainstorming  session on the  proposed Chief Minister Samagra  Gramya Unnayan Yojana (CMSGUY) under  the  chairmanship   of   State   Chief   Secretary   VK   Pipersenia   was   recently   organised   at   Assam  Administrative Staff College here, stated an official release.

The Commissioner and Secretary (RK), Finance Department made a presentation on the contours  of the proposed mega mission and nine sub missions as declared by the Finance Minister in his  bud get  speech  on  July  26,  2016.  While  pursuing  the  mission  objectives  of  doubling  the  farm  income, many of the goals of ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ of the United Nations would also  be covered, he said.

The main objective of the mega mission CMSGUY (2016-17 to 2021-22) is to double farm income in  Assam  by  2021-22,  the  year  to  commemorate  the  75th  year  of  Independence.  The  focused  interventions  will  be  aimed  through  direct  economic  activities,  infrastructure/logistics  support  including market linkages and co mmunity mobilisation/support.

The  Finance  Department  will  be  the  servicing  department  of  the  mission.  The  CMSGUY  society  will  be  registered  under  the  Finance  Department,  which  would  act  as  an  overarching  mega  mission  with  the  basic  role  of  mentoring  and  funding  agency  to  the  sub-missions  and  would  achieve the convergence and synergy of all activities to achieve the goal.

The CMSGUY governing council will be headed by the Chief Minister as chairman and the Finance  Minister  as vice  chairman. The members will  be  the ministers of  participating departments  i.e.,  revenue,   agriculture,   fishery,   animal   husbandry   &   veterinary,   science   and   technology,  environment  and  forest,  information  technology,  PWD,  water  resources,  handloom  and  textile  and sericulture, sports and youth welfare, health and family welfare (AYUSH), WPT&BC and other  departments  as  decided  by  the  chairman  from  time  to  time.  There  will  also  be  an  executive  committee of the mission headed by the Finance Minister as chairman. The Chief Secretary may also act as co-chairman or vice chairman.

Organisations  like  NDDB,  NABARD,  SLBC  convenor,  ARIAS  Society,  IIT-G  and  IIIT-G  will  be partnering agencies, whose advice and support will be sought by the governing council and EC of  CMSGUY.   Apart   from   the   budgetary   support,   convergence   of   resources   aimed   at   rural development  and  farm  production  such  as  MGNREGA  and  NABARD  Infrastructure  Development Agency will also be explored.

In order to double farm income, the focus should be on rural income generation, convergence of various  departmental  schemes,  protection  of  land  resources,  improving  irrigation  facilities, coordination between existing mission and the new mission, skill development, special attention to Sixth Schedule councils, PRIs, ULBs, special emphasis on sericulture, bamboo, cane products, vegetables, spices, HYV seeds and emphasis on village-based culture and eco-tourism.

For effective  implementation, the 9 sub-missions, i.e., Navaratna sub-missions were sequenced as  follows:  Land Management  and  Conservative  Sub-Mission,  Fishery  Sub-Mission,  Milk  Sub-Mission, Organic Agriculture Sub-Mission, Sericulture, Khadi and Cottage Sub-Mission, Road and Broad  Band  Sub-Mission,  Semi-Processing,  Processing,  Marketing  Linkage  Sub-Mission,  Youth, Yoga and Sports Sub-Mission and e-gram Sub-Mission.