समाचारों में नाबार्ड

NABARD Gujarat Regional Office has organised a 3 days Sahyog
Ahmedabad | October 2021

Ahmedabad. NABARD Gujarat Re-gional Office has organised a 3 days Sahyog - mela from 1st to 3rd October 2021 at Sabarmati River Front, near Vallabh Sadan. The mela will provide a platform for rural ar-tisans and entrepreneurs, Farmers’ Producers Organisations, SHGs to ex-hibit and sell their crafts and products.

The mela was inaugurated by Honourable Agriculture Minister of Gujarat, Shri Raghavjibhai Patel. He appreciated the initiatives of NABARD aimed at bringing rural prosperity and emphasised upon the role FPOs can play in realising the goals of Atma-Nirbhar Bharat mission. Shri D.K. Mishra, Chief General Manager, NABARD, Shri Shamsher Mann, Chief General Manager, SBI, Shri A.K. Jha, Chief General Manager, IDBI, Shri M.K. Bansal, SLBC convenor, DGM RBI, representatives from SIDBI, IDBI, GStCB, ADC Bank, press and electronic media were present at the inauguration ceremony besides participants.