समाचारों में नाबार्ड

Promotion & financing of farmers producer organisations will be prime focus of NABARD in Bihar
BIHAR | July 2022

Promotion & financing of farmers producer organisations will be prime focus of NABARD in Bihar

Bihar Development Commissioner, Vivek Kumar Singh, who was also present on the occasion, lauded various initiatives taken by NABARD in the state.

The promotion and financing of Farmers Producer Organisations (FPOs) and facilitating towards Geographical Indication (GI) tagging of unique products of the state, will be the prime focus of NABARD in Bihar, a senior official said.

Chief General Manager (CGM) of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), Bihar, Sunil Kumar while addressing employees on the occasion of 40th Foundation day here on Tuesday said our initiatives are basically to make Bihar an 'Atma Nirbhar' state.

"NABARD will be focusing on promotion and financing of Farmers Producer Organisation (FPOs), financing of rural Infrastructure sector projects especially strengthening of agriculture marketing infrastructures, irrigation and rural connectivity sector, strengthening of post-harvest management, facilitating towards GI tagging of various unique products of the state in the current financial year", he said. Bihar Development Commissioner, Vivek Kumar Singh, who was also present on the occasion, lauded various initiatives taken by NABARD in the state. "In a state like Bihar, NABARD has a greater role to play. In Bihar agriculture is the core of the economy with around 97 per cent of farmers categorised as small farmers or marginal farmers. NABARD has to play a leadership role in all areas related to agriculture and rural development thereby contributing towards increase in overall economy of the state", Singh said.

NABARD, under the ministry of finance, is mandated for providing and regulating credit and other facilities for the promotion and development of agriculture, small scale industries, cottage and village industries, handicrafts and other rural crafts and other allied economic activities in rural areas with a view to promoting integrated rural development and securing prosperity of rural areas.