समाचारों में नाबार्ड

Nabard has hailed the increased focus on irrigation and dairy sectors in the Budget which has hiked the corpus of long term irrigation fund by another Rs 20,000 crore, taking the total fund size to Rs 40,000 crore. “The Budget focuses a lot on the ru
Chandigarh | February 2017
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has sanctioned Rs 157 crore loan to the Haryana government for implementation of a project for augmentation of drinking water supply scheme in 84 villages of districts Palwal and Faridabad. 
Stating this here today, a NABARD spokesman said that the project is aimed at providing potable drinking water in selected villages in blocks Prithla, Palwal and Ballabhgarh from Yamuna flood plain by constructing ranney wells and deep tubewells.
He said that in the present scheme, water supply to the affected villages would be augmented by constructing ranney wells. The project is likely to benefit 3,06,814 persons. 
The official also said that the loan had been sanctioned under the 22nd tranche of Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF). 
With this sanction, the cumulative RIDF assistance extended by NABARD to the Haryana government under RIDF, since its inception in 1995-96, has reached Rs 5,794 crore. 
Assistance has been provided for 4,269 projects in various sectors such as irrigation, rural connectivity, water supply, solar power, anganwadis, girls' toilet blocks and veterinary hospitals and dispensaries, he added.