समाचारों में नाबार्ड

Rs. 6,457-crore credit plan
Tamil Nadu | April 2017
The annual credit plan (ACP) for Kanniyakumari district for financial year 2017-18 envisages a total outlay of Rs. 6457 crore, which is Rs. 982 crore more than that of the last fiscal.

Collector Sajjansingh R. Chavan released the plan at a meeting of District Consultative Committee of Bankers here on Friday. The first copy of the plan was received by Convener of DCC and Chief Regional Manager of Indian Overseas Bank S. Murugan.

Agriculture gets the lion’s share of Rs. 4550 crore; Rs. 505 crore has been earmarked for micro, small and medium industries and Rs. 1402 crore for other priority sectors, including services sector.S. Viswanathan, Lead District Manager, said that the credit plan was drafted as per the guidelines of RBI and NABARD. District Development Manager of NABARD J Martin Pragasam was present.