समाचारों में नाबार्ड

Scheme will help improve performance
Thiruvananthapuram | October 2016

Kudumbasree members can now have all information on the functioning of their neighbourhood groups at their fingertips.

This will be done as part of the digitisation of neighbourhood groups in 24 districts in the country through the Micro Credit and Innovations wing of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD).

Digitisation will first be taken up in 11,600 neighbourhood groups in Kasaragod district on an experimental basis. NABARD and Kudumbasree are jointly implementing the scheme with the support of the Union government.

The digitisation is being taken up to strengthen and make transparent the working of all neighbourhood and self-help groups in the country.

Along with this, details of each neighbourhood group such as bank account, income, loans, details of members, and basic facilities will be available online.

The scheme will allow each neighbourhood group member to record and improve their performance. Banks too will get an idea of the financial position of the groups and their loan repayment capacity, making sanctioning of loans easier.

The scheme will be expanded to more districts after a review.

Collection of details

Collection of details regarding the functioning of the groups and training of members will be done by animators trained under the aegis of NABARD

The groups will be given tablets to upload details online. A two-training programme will conclude in Kasaragod on Tuesday, the Kudumbasree executive director said in a statement here on Friday.