समाचारों में नाबार्ड

Over 1,000 self-help groups operating in Samba: NABARD
Jammu | October 2018
A daylong capacity building programme was organised for bankers by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) at Samba on Tuesday.
The programme was organised by Surinder Singh, district development manager, NABARD.
Singh highlighted the concept of self-help and joint liability groups and said although the banking network in rural and semi-urban areas had increased manifold after nationalisation, even then many rural households were still dependent on money lenders, shopkeepers and vendors for their petty credit needs.
He said more than 1,000 self-help groups had been formed in Samba district. These groups are credit-linked with banks and have taken up various income-generating activities ranging from dairy to mushroom production, etc.
Singh apprised the bankers that NABARD also provides capacity building assistance and financial support to NGOs/banks for promotion of microfinance operations.