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Haryana carrying out development works on major projects
Haryana | June 2019
Chandigarh, Jun 23 (UNI) Under the financial assistance from NABARD, the Haryana Public Health Engineering Department has been carrying out development works on 11 major projects and various other projects, which will benefit many villages of different districts of the state. Stating this here on Sunday, Minister of State for Public Health Engineering Dr Banwari Lal said that under seven projects amounting to Rs 506.30 crore, work of transferring tube wells based schemes into canal based schemes is being done in Rewari and Mahendragarh districts, which will benefit 203 villages and 5 dhanis of these districts. Similarly, under two projects with estimated amount of Rs 395.90 crore, work is being done to convert tube well-based schemes to rainy well schemes in Palwal and Mewat districts, which will benefit 164 villages of these districts.
He said that under two projects with the estimated amount of Rs 56.66 crore, the work is being done to arrange canal water on tubewell based schemes in districts Jind and Hisar districts, which will benefit 33 villages of these districts.
Dr Banwari Lal said that apart from these NABARD projects, the department has created new 14 water supply schemes and nine sewerage projects, which have been submitted for NABARD assistance. These projects are concerned with Mahendragarh, Panipat, Sonepat, Palwal, Hisar and Bhiwani districts and their total cost is Rs 425.78 crore. With these projects, there will be improvement and increase in water supply of 199 villages and accelerate the pace of setting up sewerage system in nine villages.
He said that during the tenure of the present government, the department has spent Rs 5,167 crores on improving and upgrading drinking water supply and laying pipelines of sewerage and rainwater.
The Minister said that the department has its own website, in which has different modules of Government-to-Government and Government-to-Citizen, under which several activities can be done