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NABARD launches water campaign in Salem District
Tamil Nadu | June 2017
Over 400 villages to be covered in the district
The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has initiated a nation-wide water campaign on March 22, the World Water Day, covering around one lakh villages across 200 vulnerable and water stressed districts in the country with an objective of reaching out to the rural communities to promote awareness about the need for conservation, preservation and efficient use of water resources. As a part of this initiative, 6,500 villages would be covered in Tamil Nadu.
NABARD plans to cover 408 villages in Salem district under the water campaign during June 2017 through 32 Krishi Jaldoots (water ambassadors) chosen from the farmers’ clubs, farmers’ producers companies, beneficiaries of the tribal development projects and watershed development projects nurtured by NABARD in the district.
These Krishi Jaldoots were provided training by NABARD at the Krishi Vigyan Kendhra, Sandhiyur through the master trainer and subject specialists from the Departments of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, KVK, DRDA and bankers.
During the training, the Krishi Jaldoots were sensitised on the need for rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharge, better agronomic and irrigation (more crop per drop) practices, managing cattle and raising fodder with minimal water, schemes available through government departments and credit facilities from banks.
The Krishi Jaldoots will conduct the water campaigns in the 408 villages in the district by group discussions with youth volunteers, farmers and women. They will organise a rally, carry out water resource mapping and organise Krishi Jal Samvaad (discussion on water), an event open for all the villagers.
The Krishi Jaldoots will also disseminate the information provided to them during the training as also administer an oath on conservation of water.
Village level programmes would be launched in the district from Wednesday (June 7) and will be completed by June 25 in co-ordination with NGOs BEST; ESAF; IED; Hand in Hand India and Dhan Foundation.
Active participation of villagers and farmers will determine the success of the programme. Hence, it is proposed to involve the Farmers’ Clubs, Farmers’ Clubs Federations, Farmers Producers Companies, ATMA Groups, Self Help Groups, Joint Liability Groups, etc. said Smt A Bhama Buvaneswari, District Development Manager, NABARD, Salem.
An 11-member water volunteers identified from each village will be coordinating with various government agencies for implementing the identified activities through a participatory mode with social monitoring. The village level water resource mapping drawn during the water campaigns will help in understanding the issues better and draw a holistic road map for the nation towards efficient water management.
Source: The Hindu