Rural Economy Tracker

Cold Storage capacity in India – Statewise
Livestock population in India and Statewise, Production of major livestock products in India and Fish production

South West Monsoon Performance


State-wise Irrigation Potential Created (C) and Utilised (U) through Major and Medium Irrigation (MMI) and Minor Irrigation (MI) till end of X Plan period ('000 hectare)

As per Ministry of Water Resources

State-wise Status of Rural Habitation & Rural Population with Respect to Drinking Water Supply under National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) (Lakh)

As per Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation

State-wise Rural Households by Main Source of Drinking Water (Per Cent)

As per Census

State-wise Storage Capacity with Food Corporation of India (FCI) (Lakh Tonnes)

As per FCI

All-India Rural-Urban Divide in Wireline and Wireless Connection (Per Cent)

As per TRAI Report

State-wise Wireline and Wireless Teledensity (Rural/Urban) (Per Cent)

As per TRAI Report

State-wise Rural Households Possessing Telephone and Mobile Phone (Per Cent)

As per Census

State-wise Proportion of Rural Households by Type of Fuel used for Cooking (Per cent)

As per Census

State-wise Status of Village Electrification and Household Electrification

As per Census data/CEA

State-wise Rural Households by Main Source of Lighting (Per Cent)

As per Census

State-wise Number of Unconnected Habitations by Population Size under PMGSY

As per PMJSY

State-wise Total Length of Roadworks Completed under PMGSY (km)

As per PMJSY

State-wise Distribution of Rural Households with Drinking Water within Premises, Electricity for Domestic Use and Latrine (Per Cent)

As per NSSO Report

All-India Shares of All Sectors in Rural Employment for Males, Females and Persons (Per Cent)

As per NSSO Report

All-India Share of Non-farm Employment in Rural Workforce (Per Cent) and Distribution of Households and Population with Non-farm as Major Source of Income (Rural) (Per Cent)

As per NSSO Report

All-India Distribution of Households and Population by Household Type (Rural) (Per Cent)

As per NSSO Report

State-wise Proportion of Households with Non-farm as Major Source of Income (Rural) (Per Cent)

As per NSSO Report

All-India Proportion of Households by Household Type for Each Decile Class on Household MPCE (Rural) (Per Cent)

As per NSSO Report

All-India Proportion of Households by Household Type for Each Household MPCE Class (Rural) (Per Cent)

As per NSSO Report

All-India Proportion of Households by Household Type for Each Household MPCE Class (Rural) (Per Cent)

As per NSSO Report

All-India Proportion of Households by Household Type for Each Household MPCE Class (Rural) (Per Cent)

As per NSSO Report

State-wise Number and Per Cent of Districts, Villages, Rural Habitations and Rural Households

As per Census/ publication of HH data

State-wise Share of Rural Population in Total Rural Population of India (Per Cent)

As per Census

State-wise Proportion of Rural Population to Total Population (Per Cent)

As per Census

State-wise Rural Population (Males/Females/Persons)

As per Census

State-wise Population (Rural/Urban/Total)

As per Census

Agriculture Sector -Growth Parameters


State-wise Proportion of Workers Across Categories of Workers (Rural) (Per Cent)

As per Census

State-wise Other Workers (Rural)

As per Census

State-wise Household Industry Workers (Rural)

As per Census

State-wise Agricultural Labourers (Rural)

State-wise Cultivators (Rural)

As per Census

State-wise Non-workers (Rural)

State-wise Marginal Workers (Rural)

As per Census

State-wise Main Workers (Rural)

As per Census

State-wise Work Participation Rate (Rural) (Percent)

As per Census

State-wise Total Workers (Rural)

As per Census

State-wise Total Workers (Rural/Urban)

As per Census

Average Size of Operational Holdings

As per Census

Area of Operational Holdings

As per Census

Number of Operational Holdings

As per Census

Progress under PMJDY


Irrigated Area under Major Crops - State wise


Agricultural Exports
Land Use – State wise


Input Use - Fertilizer & Seeds
Production of Foodgrain -2017-18: 3rd AE

Second AE of Foodgrains & Other Major Crops

3rd AE of Foodgrains & Other Major Crops

1st AE of Foodgrains & Other Major Crops

Area Sown Under Rabi Crops -16 January 2020

Wholesale Price Index(WPI)– December 2019

Consumer Price Index – CPI Inflation –December 2019

Consumer Price Index (Rural) - CPI Inflation - December 2019

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