Page 87 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 87

Project Approach

           With the assistance of the   e project aims   e project has a innovative   Accordingly, 70% of the total
           GCF, project will receive   to tap around 250   structure of co-nancing    loan funds under the project
           the necessary            MW of solar          component, the GCF            are expected to be utilized
           concessional nance to   rooftop capacity in   resources will cover up to 40%   towards sub-projects under
           develop a t-for-purpose   the country.       of the upfront system and     the Capital expenditures
           framework to allow the                        installation costs with project   (CAPEX) model. Operating
           ambitious scale up of                         funding of 40% and the        expenses (OPEX)  model
           solar roof top capacity in                    balance 20% would be in form   shall form majority of the
           India.                                        of equity from consumers.     balance 30% till the pooling
                                                                                       of solar rooftop assets model
                                                                                       gains traction.

                                                                8.17 million
           This project is
           contributing towards     This project would          tonnes of CO2
                                                                equivalent over
           Government of India’s    contribute to deployment    25 years               The concessional
           ambitious target of      solar rooftop capacity of                          financial
           100 GW                   250 MW                                             resources

           of solar power           and reduction of around                            extended by GCF is being
           capacity including                                                          used to finance the
           40 GW                                                                       investments in the sector
                                                                                       addressing the present
           through solar rooftop                                                       challenges of the sector

                                                                                 The project is estimated to help
                                                                                 create between
                                                                                 5000 and 7500

                                                                                 jobs, between manufacturing,
                                                                                 construction and installation
                                                                                 (MCI) jobs, and operation and
                                                                                 maintenance (O&M) jobs

                                                                           Solar rooftop systems installed at various locations
                                                                           across the country

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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