Page 4 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 4

Message from the Chairman

                                                                        Dr. G. R Chintala

                     Promotion of climate resilient agricultural production practices, systems
                     and technologies will be the most eective strategies for boosting crop and
                     livestock yields in the face of climate change between now and future

           e impacts of global warming      Natural Resources Management       transition and incentivize private
           have been intensifying, widening   (UPNRM), etc. has been playing an   sector participation to scale up
           and creating disruptions in Indian   important role in meeting the   investments for a sustainable and
           agriculture and allied sector     India’s climate pledges and        transformational impact.
           production systems. e landmark   ambition.  NABARD has unique
           report on Sixth Assessment (AR    distinction of being accredited as   Various potential opportunities lies
           06) of Climate Change 2021: e    National Implementing Entity       in the development and upscaling
           Physical Science Basis, released by   (NIE) of Adaptation Fund (AF) and   of low emission and climate
           UNFCCC on 09 August 2021,         National Adaptation Fund for       resilient production systems in
           has literally issued a “code red” to   Climate Change (NAFCC) as well   India through the adoption of
           humanity as we are rushing        as Direct Access Entity (DAE) of   participatory natural resource
           towards a 1.5 degree Celsius      the Green Climate Fund (GCF). In   management practices, adoption of
           hotter planet by 2040. e         the climate change arena, NABARD   modern technological solutions like
           extreme heat thresholds relevant to   has facilitated sanctioning of 40   drones, IoT, block chain, etc., use
           agriculture and health are        innovative and high impact climate   of innovative climate risk
           projected to exceed more          change adaptation and mitigation   management instruments and
           frequently at a higher global     projects with a total nancial     venturing into development of
           warming levels, viz., above 1.5°C.  outlay of ` 1853 crore           green products.
                                             (USD 257.21 million).
           India is a signatory to the Paris                                    e digital ipbook showcases the
           Agreement under the United        As per International Finance       portfolio of innovative and high
           Nations Framework Convention      Corporation (IFC), for meeting     impact climate change projects in
           on Climate Change (UNFCCC).       India's climate change actions     an interactive manner.  I rmly
           NABARD’s climate action           between 2018 and 2030, an          believe that this digital publication
           through its Climate Change (CC)   estimated climate nance of at least   will be useful for all our
           initiatives and projects/         USD 3.1 trillion would be required.    stakeholders and partners in
           programmes under Tribal           To meet this humongous climate     recognizing NABARD’s eorts on
           Development Fund (TDF),           nance requirement, India will have   building climate resilient
           Watershed Development Fund        to nd new and alternative ways to   agro-ecological livelihoods and
           (WDF), Umbrella Programme on      nance the low carbon growth       ecosystems.

            Climate Change Interventions of
            NABARD – A Glimpse
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