Page 6 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 6


                                                                        C S R Murthy
                                                                        Chief General Manager
                                                                        FSDD, NABARD

           Since its inception, NABARD has    resource management projects and   to address the challenges, assess
           been playing a pivotal role to develop   adherence to duciary standards,   vulnerable areas and sectors for
           the agricultural and rural sector of   NABARD was accredited as       prioritization of climate actions,
           the country through the series of   National Implementing Entity      and develop climate action
           measures viz. socio-economic       (NIE) for Adaptation Fund (AF),    strategies. Currently, there are 40
           development programmes related to   Green Climatic Fund (GCF) and     climate change projects under way
           rural infrastructure, sustainable   National Adaptation Fund for      with a total nancial outlay of Rs.
           management of natural resources,   Climate Change (NAFCC). As an      1,853 crore.
           sustainable livelihood, gender     NIE, role of NABARD includes
           equality, skill development,       identication, formulation and     is ipbook is a compilation of
           sanitation, renewable energy etc.   implementation of climate change   climate change projects of
           Simultaneously, NABARD became      projects; ensure to meet the criteria   NABARD to showcase the various
           the leader in natural resource     adopted by funds; ensure quality in   mitigation and adaptation
           management and livelihood support   operations and accountability for   interventions carried out under AF,
           through initiatives like Watershed   implementing projects;           GCF and NAFCC.  I am condent
           Development programmes covering    management, operation, and use of   that the same would be useful to
           about 2.46 million ha, and         funds for activities based on      policy makers and other
           sustainable livelihood initiatives  established duciary standards;   stakeholders for replicating and
           (viz; Tribal Development Fund),    ensure appropriate monitoring,     upscaling the successful
           which impacted about 0.59 million   independent evaluation, and       interventions.
           tribal families. Several of these   nancial audits of all funded     I would like to express my sincere
           interventions have direct relevance  activities.                      thanks  to GIZ Team in designing
           to climate action and achieving                                       this digital dossier and also for the
           sustainable development goals      NABARD has been working in         continued support in various
           (SDGs).                            accordance with the goals of       initiatives of NABARD.
                                              National Action Plan on Climate
           In view of the long-standing       Change(NAPCC) and State Action
           experience in implementing natural   Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC)

            Climate Change Interventions of
            NABARD – A Glimpse
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