Page 5 - GIZ CAFRI Report
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                                                                        P.V.S. Suryakumar
                                                                        Deputy Managing Director

           India is one of the fastest growing   As a development bank, NABARD   million). ese interventions are
           economies in this century. It is also   is rmly committed for fostering   aimed at climate resilient
           the world’s third largest emitter of   rural development that ensures   agriculture, water conservation &
           Green House Gases (GHG) after      equitable end sustainable          management, forest ecosystems,
           China and the United States. India   development. NABARD through its   climate smart livestock
           ranks seventh in the list of countries   various initiatives and programmes   management, coastal resource
           worst hit by the extreme events    like Watershed Management, Tribal   management, integration of
           induced by climate change, as per   Development and Nature Resource   renewable energy technologies,
           the Global Climate Risk Index 2020.   Management have made a positive   capacity building of the
                                              impact for the holistic and inclusive   communities in preserving natural
           Government of India has shown a    development of rural areas and     resources, improvised farming
           very strong commitment towards     mitigating the adverse impacts of   practices like integrated mountain
           combating climate change at the    climate change. NABARD is the      farming, climate-resilient crop
           recently concluded CoP26 at        rst and only National             cultivation and livestock rearing.
           Glasgow, by announcing that India   Implementing Entity (NIE) in India
           will reduce the total projected carbon   of Adaptation Fund under United   NABARD will continue to
           emissions by one billion tones by the   Nations Framework Convention on   spearhead such best practices
           year 2030 and subsequently India   Climate Change (UNFCCC) and        towards addressing the challenges of
           will achieve the target of Net Zero   National Adaptation Fund for    climate change through a robust
           emissions by the year 2070.        Climate Change (NAFCC)             framework encompassing banking,
                                              instituted by Ministry of          improvisation of natural resources
           Agriculture sector is vital for India’s   Environment, Forests and Climate   and creating new opportunities for
           economy. Marginal, small, and      Change (MOEF&CC). NABARD           the stakeholders for climate
           medium farmers dominate            is the rst Direct Access Entity   adaptation and mitigation.
           agriculture in India. Climate change   (DAE) of India under Green
           is now an additional burden for    Climate Fund (GCF) of UNFCCC.      is is our humble endeavor - a
           these vulnerable communities. e                                      digital ipbook showcasing climate
           contribution of anthropogenic      NABARD has mobilized nancing      change interventions which worked
           emissions from the small           of 40 innovative and high impact   & delivered results. We wish that
           farmer-oriented agriculture is     climate projects with a total      this would be a valuable resource
           minimal. With the change in rainfall   nancial outlay of Rs. 1853 crore   material for students, researchers,
           patterns, rise in temperature and   (USD 257.21 million) towards      scientists, and policy makers. e
           atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2),   climate action. e breakup of these   end goal is that we all must strive to
           crop yields could be severely      projects is as follows. Eight projects   realize & achieve low-emission
           aected. Consequently, the         funded by the AF (Rs. 60.94 crore /   carbon pathways for sustaining the
           livelihoods of a vast population, who   USD 9.85 million), thirty projects   environment and humanity.
           rely on agriculture directly or    funded by the NAFCC (Rs. 847.47
           indirectly as a primary source of   crore/ USD 113 million), and two
           income will be adversely impacted   projects funded by the GCF
           by climate change.                 (Rs.938.16 crore / USD 134.36

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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