Page 94 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 94

Learning Classroom                                   Concept of Learning Classroom

           • State-of-the-art class room design
             representing ve Elements of Nature.                                 Water

           • Classroom for use of exible, agile
             and innovative training methods.                          Earth   All Beings and  Fire
                                                                                 things are
                                                                               made of these
           • Active participation and
             less trainer centric learning.
                                                                             Air        Ether

           Toolified approach Modules on Climate Finance

            Training on Climate Project   Coaching/mentoring On   Training On Climate Financing   Training On Environment &
            Concept Development (5 Days)  Concept Notes (1 Day   Opportunities & Risks (3 Days)  Social Impact Assessment And
                                     Training; 3 weeks Coaching)                       Gender Mainstreaming
            Target Groups:                                   Target Groups:
            State Government Middle   Target Groups:         Commercial and private    Target Groups:
            and Top management       State Government Middle   bankers; Development, Rural   Government Departments;
            Ocials; NGOs            management Ocials;     and Co-operative Bankers  Development, Rural
                                     Executive Level                                   Commercial and
                                     Professionals in NGOs &                           Co-operative Bankers
                                     Research Institutes

           Trainings: During 2020-21, 12
           programmes (319 participants) covering
           topics on - Climate nance,
           Environmental & Social Impact
           Assessment, Green Financing, Project
           Concept Development, Climate Smart

           New Programmes : 03 new programmes
           were launched during 2020-21 - Climate
           Resilient Agriculture & Livelihoods for
           NGOs and FPOs; Bankable Models for
           mainstreaming climate nancing and
           Climate Risk based credit planning
           approach & process guidelines.

           E-learning : Two E-learning modules on
           GCF and NAFCC

            Climate Change Interventions of
            NABARD – A Glimpse
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