Page 95 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 95

Climate                                             Under the Indo-German Climate Adaptation and Finance
                                                               in Rural India (CAFRI) project commissioned by the
                                                               German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and
           Adaptation                                          Development (BMZ), GIZ is supporting NABARD to
                                                               manage climate risks through better governance models,
                                                               active participation and innovative nance models in
           and Finance                                         NABARD’s development plans. e main focus will be on
                                                               leveraging blended nancing approaches to enhance
                                                               impacts and ensure sustainable livelihoods for farmers.
           in Rural India                                      Project interventions shall be directed at building

                                                               capacities of actors at various levels during planning and
                                                               implementation. More specically it will focus on
           (CAFRI NABARD)                                      measures to strengthen interests of local women groups
                                                               that can be scaled countrywide.


           1. Climate-Proong NABARD Funds

               Identify & adopt climate risk
               screening tools/approaches for
               WDF/TDF programmes and
               integrate adaptation approaches in                                     Himachal Pradesh
               award criteria and procedures.
                                                            Haryana                              Bihar
               Develop capacities of stakeholders to
               apply identied tools & approaches.

           2. Financing Adaptation Measures in
             Agricultural Value Chains
               Climate Risk Assessment of
               agricultural value chains and support                                                Odisha
               Farmer Producer Organizations           Maharashtra
               (FPOs) & support organisations to
               develop adaptation plans.

               Facilitate public-private dialogue to   Madhya Pradesh                    Project Location
               blend private nance with public                                          Madhya Pradesh, Himachal
               funds for implementation of                                               Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar,
               adaptation measures in agricultural                                       Haryana, Gujarat, Odisha
               value chains.

           Expected Achievements

                  Climate change adaptation          Private sector investment is     Facilitate food security and
                  approaches are integrated          leveraged for adaptation         improved adaptive capacity
                  into schemes and policy            nance by blending               against climate change
                  processes of NABARD                innovative nance                among rural and vulnerable
                  development programmes.            approaches and promoting         population groups.
                                                     public-private partnership.

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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