Page 27 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 27

Project Approach

           Implementation in   Procurement     Articial        Community        Water security   Use of renewable
           six climatically    and distribution   Insemination (AI)   based livestock   ensured   energy promoted
           vulnerable mandals   of about 2,400   of the pure    shelters for     through         through the use
           namely, Pamidi,     nos. of         indigenous variety   heat/cyclone   development of   of biogas units,
           Dharmavaram,        Sahiwal/Ongole   of cattle       protection and   underground     solar pumps, and
           Allur, Podalkur,    variety of cattle   (Sahiwal/Ongole).  business models   water storage   biogas powered
           Gantyada and        to 2,500                         for sustainably   tanks and rain   milk chilling
           Badangi located in   families.                       growing and      water           units.
           the Ananthapur,                                      supplying fodder   harvesting
           Nellore and                                          for livestock.   structures.
           districts of Andhra


                                              Improved sustainability through
                                              the construction of
                                              12 underground                 6                12
                                              water storage tanks and        biogas units     solar pumps
                                              rain water harvesting
           Improved climate regulation for    structures
           cattle through development of                                                6
           6 climate                                                                    biogas powered milk
           resilient cattle hostels                                                     chilling units, and a cow
                                                                                        urine processing unit

                                                                                   Establishment of
           Provision for agro advisory to
           farmers through the installation of                                     fodder
           6 automatic                                                             production facility, community
           weather stations and maintenance                                        based fodder banks,
                                                                                   production and marketing of
           of data on livestock productivity on                                    crop residue bales, etc
           daily basis
                                                                     Climate Resilient Interventions in dairy sector implemented in
                                                                     coastal and arid areas of Andhra Pradesh

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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