Page 43 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 43

Project Approach

           e project is under implementation   e project aims to undertake capacity   For promoting energy use-eciency
           in 48 villages of Patratu block of   building of the forest dependent     and alternative energy, cook stoves,
           Ramgarh district and Narayanpur   communities, undertake construction of   Gobar gas plants, solar lamps/lights
           block of Jamtara district of      contour trench, gully plugging for SMC &   and kitchen garden are promoted.
           Jharkhand under Forestry sector.  Water Harvesting, promote gender sensitive
                                             and climate resilient livelihood systems.

                                                                            Restoration of
                                                   Around                   ecosystem through
                                Crop intensification   400 families         plantation across
           More than            and diversification   covered through animal   32.61 ha
           1200 ha              over               husbandry-based          of non forested and
           of area covered      25 ha              livelihood activities    degraded land        Improved cook
           under drainage and  area. involving                                                   stoves for
           area treatment       around 200 farming                                               2600
           activities and 71    families
           water storage                                                                         households
           structures                                                                            belonging to
                                                                                                 marginalized and

           5768                                                                   More than

           households provisioned                                                 100 families
           with solar home                                                        covered under nutritional
           lighting system                                                        security programme
                                                                                  through kitchen garden

                                                                          Interventions for enhancing climate
                                                                          resilience of forest dependent communities.

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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