Page 38 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 38


           Himachal Pradesh

           Name of the Project: Sustainable Livelihoods of Agriculture-dependent
           Rural Communities in Drought Prone District of Himachal Pradesh
           rough Climate Smart Solutions
           Project Focus: : Sustainable Agriculture
           Location: 3 blocks (Pachhad, Sangrah and Paotna) of Sirmour district
           of Himachal Pradesh
           Project Finance: Rs. 20.00 Crore (USD 2.67 million)
           Duration: 5 years (2015-2020); Extended up to 2021; Completed
           Name of Executing Entity: Department of Environment, Science and
           Technology, Government of Himachal Pradesh
           Project Beneciaries: 18,000 poor small and marginal farmers in
           drought aected areas of Sirmour district

           Project Area: e state of Himachal Pradesh has high reliance on agriculture with 70% of population dependent on it.
           e Sirmour district of Himachal Pradesh is experiencing moisture stress with negative livelihood consequence for the
           agriculture and horticulture sectors. Most of the teshsils of this district were aected by drought in 2002 and 2009. e
           district is suering from increase in maximum temperature up to 1° C, decline in winter precipitation and snowfall,
           warmer and shorter winters, delayed onset of monsoon rain, erratic
           rainfall, extreme weather events like hailstorm, cloud burst etc.

           Lack of rain water harvesting systems,
           reservoirs/check dams for conservation
           of water, prevailing traditional
           agricultural practices and low
           diversication of crops coupled with
           livelihood interventions which are
           leading to soil erosion, land
           degradation, deforestation, degradation
           in bio-diversity, fodder scarcity etc, and
           overall decrease in production and
           productivity of agriculture and
           horticulture is causing extreme climate
           stress to people. To address the above
           climate related anomalies, the given
           project envisions to improve the
           adaptive capacity of rural small and
           marginal farmers including rural                                               Lantana Camara
           women in the Sirmour district by                                               Weed Infestation
           introducing a combination of Climate
           Smart Farming Technologies along with
           required social engineering and capacity
           building processes.
                                                          Water Stress
                                                          and Scarcity

            Climate Change Interventions of
            NABARD – A Glimpse
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