Page 40 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 40


           Jammu and Kashmir

           Name of the Project: Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture in
           Rain-Fed Farming (Kandi) Areas of Jammu and Kashmir
           Project Focus: Sustainable Agriculture
           Location: Bhalwal Block of Jammu District and Budgam Block of
           Kashmir District
           Project Finance: Rs. 22.51 Crore (USD 3.00 million)
           Duration: 4 Years (2016-2020); Extended upto 2023; Ongoing
           Name of Executing Entity: Department of Ecology, Environment
           & Remote Sensing,  Government of Jammu and Kashmir

           Project Beneciaries: Families of 2500 Small and Marginal

           Project Area: e Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir nestled in fragile Himalayan Ecosystem is facing multiple
           climate change induced hazards like ash oods, landslides, avalanches, receding glaciers, snow storms, besides man-made
           disasters like deforestation, res, over extraction of natural resources, etc. e temperature across the Jammu region of J &
           K State has been reported to increase at the rate of 0.3 to 0.60C per decade. Rainfall has been reported to show
           downward trend at the rate of 2.0 to 8.4 mm per year in Rabi season across
           the Jammu region. Temperature increases for Kashmir region has been
           reported to be 0.4 to 0.50C per decade.

           As a result, agricultural and ecosystem
           productivity of the region has been
           adversely aected on which 73 % of
           the state’s population is directly or
           indirectly dependent. To address the
           above agricultural vulnerabilities, the
           given project envisions to minimize
           the crop losses through adoption of
           appropriate and scientic cropping
           system, integrated nutrition and pest
           management practices, promotion of
           micro irrigation system in water
           stressed areas, and conducting training
           and capacity building of farmers and
           other stakeholders.                                                            Increasing Urbanization,
                                                                                          Deforestation, and Biotic Pressure

                                                          Problem of Surface Runo
                                                           And Soil Erosion

            Climate Change Interventions of
            NABARD – A Glimpse
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