Page 39 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 39

Project Approach

           Drought related vulnerability     Capacity building of the farmer producer   Drip and sprinkler irrigation along
           assessment was done for Sirmour   organization would be done to reduce the   with lift irrigation would be used
           district of Himachal Pradesh. Based   socio-economic vulnerability of the   in water stressed command area.
           on the ndings, climate smart     farmers. Risk transfer instruments like   e cropping system led by Maize
           solutions are developed for drought   weather insurance would be promoted.    and Wheat in the district would be
           management and risk transfer      Poly lining of the hilly areas of the district   combined with other less water
           instruments would be leveraged as   would be done to arrest the huge    consuming varieties of crops to
           concrete adaptation measures.     percolation losses and would be used as a   adapt to moisture stressed
                                             climate proong measure.              conditions.


                                     Completed           21
           Formulated 600 Farmers    3                   small ponds &       Adopted micro
                                                                             irrigation in 4.1 ha
           Interest Groups           Lift irrigation     23                  (drip irrigation)
           (18,000                   Schemes  and        Kulhs (Irrigation   and
           beneficiaries)            35                  channels) for water  2.68 ha
                                     Minor Irrigation    conservation and    (sprinkler
                                     Schemes             storage             irrigation)   Inter-cropping
                                                                                           of maize and pulses
                                                                                           and SRI cultivation
                                                                                           have been promoted

               Established                                                        600 FIGs
               Farm Produce                                                       (18,000 beneficiaries) and

               Processing Unit at                                                 3 FPOs
                                                                                  registered one each
                                                                                  in three project blocks

                                                                           Interventions for sustainable livelihoods of
                                                                           agriculture - dependent rural communities in
                                                                           Himachal Pradesh.

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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