Page 49 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 49

Project Approach

           Demarcation of suitable area in the   Benchmarking and identication of suitable   Additional livelihood
           Gorpal and Tewaripal areas of the   technology options for the organic farming,   opportunities through
           North bank and Kaziranga          integrated crop management, pond based     technology demonstration of
           Hukuma, Kunjuri-Gelabeel,         shery, watershed management, agroforestry,   sheries including shrimp
           Amguri Chang and Phulaguri        homestead gardening, etc. Training of      cultivation in rejuvenated
           Chang, and Japori Beelcarry areas   Trainers Program on climate resilient farming   wetlands and sustainable
           of the South bank in the KNP for   systems through farmer’s eld schools in   agricultural practices.
           climate resilient activities.     scaling-up of these interventions.


                                             06 number of
                                             Organic farming
           Management works                  units
           like excavation/                                                          Pilot on
           dredging, construction                                                    pond based
           of embankment and
           silt trap                                                                 pisciculture works


                                                                                for assessing status of the
                                                                                vulnerable communities, trends
                                                                                of reducing water table, land
                                                                                acreage and availability, single
                                                                                cropping and jhum cultivation

                                                                           Interventions for Climate Resilient Livelihood for
                                                                           vulnerable communities for  managing the
                                                                           ecosystem of KNP.

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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