Page 51 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 51

Project Approach

           e project is         e project aims to undertake preparation of   Learning and knowledge management in the
           implemented in        land use and water budgeting plan, system of   area of Climate Change are promoted
           Nandurbar and         crop intensication for paddy and wheat,   through development of awareness lms,
           Buldhana Districts of   establishment of community paddy nurseries   printing materials, newsletter, journals,
           Maharashtra under     through Farmers Field Schools (FFS), promotion   brochure, pamphlets,  farmers Convention /
           Sustainable           of drip and sprinklers based irrigation systems,   melas, mass awareness events, workshops
           Agriculture sector.   installation of solar pumps, etc.          and meetings.


                                       Climate change
                                       vulnerability assessment at
                                       local level including land
                                       use and                       Adaptive agriculture
                                       water                         practices in pulses
           System of Crop                                            and oilseeds with
           Intensification in paddy for  management                  Inter cropping in        Adaptive agriculture
           5500 farmers                plans                         3734 ha area             for cash crops such
                                                                                              as cotton,
           are promoted in                                                                    sugarcane,
           4400 ha                                                                            horticulture etc.
           area                                                                               in an area of
                                                                                              4000 ha

                                                                                  Efficient water conservation
                  Sustainable Agriculture                                         measures through drip and
                  for Sorghum in an area of
                  800 ha                                                          sprinkler irrigation
                                                                                  system to cope with the drought

                                                                            Interventions for promoting climate adaptive and
                                                                            resilient farming systems.

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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