Page 79 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 79

Project Approach

           Mapping of around 3200          Harvesting of 5,607 liters   Roof top based water   Safe disposal of
           households based on             of rain water per Below   storage structures of   excess water
           socio-economic conditions,      Poverty Line (BPL)        1,000 litres capacity   received, after lling
           locations of house and terrain,   household keeping in    per household for       up of the rain water
           access to centralized piped     view 20 m2 rooftop area   3,000 households.       harvesting storage
           water supply, availability of the   of an average household.                      structures.
           roof spaces, etc.


                                                    Provision for harvesting of
                                                    30 lakh
                                                    liters of rainwater within 7
             Ensured water security                 days during pre and post          Monetary savings of
             for at least 100 days for              monsoon period                    approximately
             3000 BPL                                                                 Rs. 2,250

             households in remote and                                                 per month per BPL
             inaccessible areas                                                       household by avoidance of
                                                                                      requirement for purchase
                                                                                      of water in the days of
                                                                                      water stress

                                                                                 Development of ward wise
                                                                                 maps of water distribution
                                                                                 systems for
                                                                                 3,000 BPL HHs

                                                                                 of the 30 wards of Darjeeling
                                                                                 Municipality area

                                                                           Roof water harvesting systems installed as
                                                                           potential measure to improve water availability

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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