Page 74 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 74


          Uttar Pradesh

           Name of the Project: Ecosystem services based adaptation to climate
           change in Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh
           Project Focus: Forest Conservation and Management

           Location: 16 villages of Banda, Hamirpur, Orai (Jalaun) & Chitrakoot
           forest divisions
           Project Finance: Rs. 19.80 Cr (USD 2.97 mn)
           Duration: 4 Years (2018-2022); Ongoing
           Name of Executing Entity: Forest and Wildlife Dept.
           (Govt. of Uttar Pradesh)
           Project Beneciaries: Farmers / members of 16 Joint Forest
           Committees / villages in 4 Forest divisions of Bundelkhand region in
           Uttar Pradesh.

           Project Area: e annual rainfall in Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh state in the present century has been about 95
           cm. Of this, nearly 85 cm falls over just four months, June to September - that too, in about 40 eective rainy days. e
           remaining 10cm faIls in another 6 days distributed within the remaining eight months. Which means, some months
           remain completely rainless and some rainy days get heavy downpour. e region experiences varying climatic conditions
           e.g. deciency in rainfall which triggers meteorological, hydrological and agriculture drought like conditions. A severe
           continuous four-year cycle of drought during 2004-2015 (more than 25% decit against the annual average) lead
           to reduced sown area, loss of productivity, failure of crops already grown, and non-availability of forage,
           grass, and fodder. Moreover of the available 2 BCM of storage capacity available, lling of
           these reservoirs during this period progressively decreased to 17%. Also, various tanks,
           ponds, dug-wells dried and groundwater tables fell during this period.

           Bundelkhand agro-climatic zone in
           Uttar Pradesh is severe drought prone
           area and rated as one of the most
           vulnerable region. e total area of
           Bundelkhand is 29616.9 km2 with a
           population of 64 million. Like other
           regions of UP, here also agriculture is
           the mainstay of the economy. Majority
           of farmers are small and marginal
           having very small land holdings which
           aggravates the situation further.
                                                                                          Ground Water Pollution
                                                                                          due to mining activities

                                                          Depleting ora
                                                          and fauna

            Climate Change Interventions of
            NABARD – A Glimpse
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