Page 75 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 75

Project Approach

           Village wise Participatory   Improve forest   Building climate   Creating water     Orientation /
           Rural Appraisal for      ecosystem through   resilience for     harvesting/conser   Training /
           baseline assessment of   community based    livestock through   vation structures   Workshops on
           current socio-economic   restoration of     plantation of green   to arrest run o   Climate Resilience,
           and ecological scenario   degraded forest   fodder &            of rain water,      Adaptation &
           and household level      areas.             developing fodder   check dams, bore    Community
           analysis to identify risks                  storage and         wells, etc.         mobilization.
           and vulnerabilities under                   providing technical
           climate change.                             support for feed


                                                                                     Improvement in degraded
                                                                                     forest lands which are
                                               Development of                        mainly open forest areas
                                               5 nos.                                through coverage of
                   assessment and              of Fodder Storage (100                822 hectares
                   socio-economic              MT)-cum-bank facility                 of land for plantation along
                   household survey                                                  with 200 staggered contour
                   completed in                                                      trenches & 288 pits (per
                   16 villages                                                       hectare) along with
                                                                                     plantation of horticulture
                                                                                     trees in community / grazing
                                                                                     lands in 150 ha

                                                                                 Training to Farmers on
           In-situ soil and moisture                                             cultivation, processing, value
           conservation in forest lands (gully                                   addition, packaging and
           plugs, earthen structures etc.) &                                     marketing of medicinal crop
           peripheral areas covering                                             (4 trainings per village) from
           1041 ha                                                               reputed institutions in 16 villages
                                                                                 and formation of
                                                                                 107 SHGs
                                                                                 for making vermicompost

                                                                           Ecosystem based

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80