Page 76 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 76



           Name of the Project: Resilient Agricultural Households through
           Adaptation to Climate Change in Mahabubnagar District of  Telangana
           Project Focus: Agriculture

           Location: 15 villages in Mahbubnagar district of Telanagana
           Project Finance: Rs. 24 Cr (USD 3.6 mn)
           Duration: 4 Years (2016-2020); Extended upto 2021; Completed
           Name of Executing Entity: Environment protection Training and
           Research Institute (EPTRI), Government of Telangana
           Project Beneciaries: Farming community of Mahbubnagar district,
           Telangana state

           Project Area: Telangana is a semi-arid zone and has a predominantly hot and dry climate. e areas covered by the
           Deccan Plateau are characterized by hot summers with relatively mild winters. About 55.49% of the State’s population is
           dependent on some form or the other on farm activity for livelihoods. Agriculture is one of the critical areas vulnerable to
           Climate Change. In view of this, there will be greater impacts from climate change on livelihoods. As per the GSDP of
           2014-15, agriculture sector expected negative growth of -10.3% recorded in agriculture and allied sectors, attributed
           mainly to the adverse seasonal conditions. Agriculture per season was badly hit due to climatic conditions and
           recorded negative growth of -21.3%, which was partially compensated by the positive growth trends
           in Livestock (6.5%), Forestry & Water logging (2.7%) and sheries (11.4%).
           Consequently, the contribution of Agricultural sector declined to 12.8% from
           15.1% in the previous year.

           Mahabubnagar  district is one of the
           most drought prone areas in Telangana
           and classied as rain shadow district.
           e average rainfall of Mahabubnagar
           district is 651 mm, most of it received
           during south west monsoon period
           (June-September). e rainfall is hardly
           69% of the state average (940 mm).
           e year-to-year variation in the actual
           rainfall ranges between -32% (in
           2004-05) and + 61% (in 2005-06)
           resulting in more of dry spells during
           the cropping season. Analysis of
           historical (50 years) rainfall data
           indicated that the dependable rainfall
           decreased during months of June, July                                          Project location mandals
                                                                                          in Mahabubnagar
           and September of Southwest monsoon.
           Government of Telangana has
           conducted an adaptive capacity analysis
           of the state, which indicates that
           Mahabubnagar district has the least            Adaptive capacity Index
           adaptive capacity.

            Climate Change Interventions of
            NABARD – A Glimpse
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81