Page 55 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 55

Project Approach

           e project revived       e hydro-geological and          Springs having a      Water budgeting and
           impaired springs in      livelihood related parameters are   discharge capacity of   introduction of
           water stressed areas of   used to assess the vulnerability,   more than 5,000 lpd   improved technologies
           the state in 2 stages, viz.,   identify spring sheds, and plan out   are focused to reduce   and cropping strategies
           conducting initial       the rejuvenation work. Based on   vulnerability of     are carried out for
           inventorisation &        ndings, the existing Springshed   dependent           ecient water use post
           vulnerability assessment   are divided into 3 vulnerable   communities and      conservation of springs.
           and later undertaking    categories namely highly         secure their          Adaptive crop planning
           the Springshed           vulnerable, moderately vulnerable,   livelihood        and diversication of
           development works.       and vulnerable.                  opportunities.        livelihood with scientic
                                                                                           livestock management.


           Development of detailed landscape      1,34,513
           based climate resilient springshed                                      Livelihood interventions in
           development plan for the most          mandays of livelihood            agriculture and allied sectors
           vulnerable springs has benefited                                        has benefited
           47,424 nos.                                                             12,702 nos.

           of beneficiaries. The given                                             of beneficiaries.
           interventions generated

           A total of                                                            The Capacity Building drive of the
           9857 beneficiaries                                                    project through organization of

           have been benefitted from the                                         366 nos.
           various agriculture, forestry and                                     of trainings has benefited
           livestock based livelihood
           improvement interventions
                                                                                 9113 nos.
                                                                                 of beneficiaries

                                                                           Activities towards rejuvenation and climate
                                                                           proong of Springsheds for livelihood, food and
                                                                           water security.

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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