Page 13 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 13

Project Approach

           Restoration of the       e aquaculture     e native multiple   Demonstration of   Village Level
           degraded mangroves is    ponds are modied   mangrove species are   IMFFs is done in   Institution (VLI) is
           carried out in degraded,   to provide about   grown to avoid    the lands owned by   established at the
           saline, and unprotected   40% of the area for   ingress of sea water,   small aqua farmers   village / hamlet
           mangrove areas. Nursery   raising mangrove   coastline stabilization,   and model is   level to plan,
           raised mangrove saplings   plantation and   and livelihood      showcased to sustain   implement, and
           are planted 2m apart     60% of the water   protection.         income from the     monitor project
           along the canals at about   area for sh                        sh farming.        activities.
           20 cm down the slope in   cultivation.
           100 ha area.


                                                Orientation to
                                                1,500 people
                                                on Climate Change, Sea Level Rise,
                  Restoration of degraded       Adaptation Capacity building        Establishment of
                  mangroves in                                                      mangrove nursery in
                  200 ha area                                                       3 villages for
                  along the Krishna estuary                                         ensuring supply of
                                                                                    mangrove seedlings

                 Demonstration of                                                  Knowledge
                 two models                                                        development
                 of IMFFS with the participation                                   through publication of
                 of local community members                                        resource materials viz.,
                 and other stakeholders                                            pamphlets, brochures,
                                                                                   posters, etc

                                                                     Interventions for restoration of degraded mangroves and
                                                                     aquaculture as adaptation strategies against sea level rise

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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