Page 14 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 14

Adaptation Fund

           Madhya Pradesh

           Name of the Project : Building Adaptive Capacities of Communities,
           Livelihoods and Ecological Security in the Kanha-Pench Corridor of
           Madhya Pradesh
           Project Focus : Ecosystem Conservation and Livelihood Generation
           Location : 56 Villages in the Kanha-Pench Corridor (KPC) of
           Madhya Pradesh
           Project Finance : USD 2.55 million (Rs. 16.62 crore)
           Duration : 5 Years (2017-2022); Ongoing
           Name of Executing Entity : RBS Foundation India - promoted by e
           Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS FI) and Madhya Pradesh Forest Department
           Project Beneciaries : 7,609 households of Kanha - Pench Corridor

           Project Area : Madhya Pradesh has 94.69 lakh ha recorded forest area, which is 31% of State's geographical area. e
           Kanha–Pench Corridor spread over 16,000 sq. km area is an ecologically important area due to presence of Narmada
           and Mahanadi watersheds, Kanha and Pench Tiger Reserves, and natural resource dependent communities. In the last
           two decades, the Kanha-Pench Corridor has faced severe degradation caused by an increase in anthropogenic pressure
           and climate change. Studies of the corridor area reveal that while the forests
           within the corridor has excellent patches with continuous regeneration,
           patches which are completely or partially degraded are increasing constantly
           due to their diversion for developmental purposes or by over extraction of
           its resources (fuel wood, timber, fodder etc).

           e KPC also supports rich
           biodiversity and provides important
           ecosystem services like regulating
           hydrology and carbon sequestration.
           However, the situation in the
           landscape is further exacerbated by
           climate change. e rainfall and
           temperature patterns in the region
           have undergone a change in the past
           few decades which have impacted both
           forests and other ecosystem based
           livelihoods like agriculture and
                                                                                          Dependency on forest
           To address the above issues, the project
           is being implemented in 56 villages
           that lie in and around the KPC which
           is one of the 4 forested wildlife
           movement corridors in the Satpuda
           Maikal Landscape.                              Deforestation and
                                                          Habitat Degradation

            Climate Change Interventions of
            NABARD – A Glimpse
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