Page 15 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 15

Project Approach

           Implementing in 56     Basket of           Village level plans   Alternative       Strengthening of
           project villages       livelihoods options   on land and water   livelihoods       village level
           covering 7,609         that aims to        resource            generation activities   institutions to
           households lying in the   progressively    management,         like backyard       motivate community
           Kanha-Pench Corridor   reduce dependency   watershed           poultry, kitchen    participation in
           (KPC) encompassing     of local            /irrigation facilities,   gardening, and   ecosystem
           Mandla, Balaghat and   communities on      and on-farm         animal husbandry    conservation and
           Seoni districts of     the natural         practices.          activities, etc.    livelihood generation.
           Madhya Pradesh.        resources.


           Access to better                                      Socio-economic and
           agricultural/ livestock/                              environmental profile
           energy efficient/         Watershed development       development of
           alternative livelihoods/   activity carried out in    56                        Participation of at
           vocational skills and     1,800 ha                                              least
           practices to at least                                 project villages and      50%
                                                                 formulation of village
           75%                       Area and inputs for         level development plans   of the village
                                     climate resilient
           households in             agricultural livelihoods to                           households and

           56                        5,000                                                 30%
           project villages          households                                            women in planning
                                                                                           and implementation
                                                                                           of village
                                                                                           development plans

                                                                               Access to bio-gas, energy
           Alternative livelihood generation for                               efficient cooking stoves, solar
           2,000                                                               lanterns to the
           households and support to                                           600
                                                                               households, and
           households for installation of Micro                                100
           irrigation systems                                                  efficient cooking stoves

                                                                          Interventions for developing Adaptive Capacities
                                                                          of Communities, Livelihoods and Ecological
                                                                          Security in the Kanha-Pench Corridor

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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