Page 16 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 16

Adaptation Fund

           Rajasthan &

           Tamil Nadu

           Name of the Project : Climate Proong of Watershed Development Projects
           in the States of Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu
           Project Focus : Water Management
           Location : 20 Rain fed Watersheds in Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu
           Project Finance : USD 1.344 million (Rs. 8.07 crore)
           Duration : 3 Years (2015-2018); Extended upto 2021; Completed
           Name of Executing Entity : Multiple Agencies

           Project Beneciaries : Small and Marginal farmers of Rajasthan
           (11,254 nos.) and Tamil Nadu (10,739 nos.)

           Project Area : Rajasthan, a western state of India, is characterized by erratic and low rainfall with varying intensity and
           uneven distribution of heavy intensity rainfall in short spell. In addition, the steep slopes with sandy soils make
           livelihoods of small and marginal farmers from natural resources a very challenging task.

           Tamil Nadu, a southern state of India, is one of the water starved states, where the per capita availability of water
           resources is 900 cubic meters per year as compared to all India average of 2,200 cubic meters. A major portion of rainfall
           goes o as runo, which also takes the top layer of soil away from the elds. e water tables in general are very deep
           and are declining further on account of overdraft. Combination of all these factors makes agriculture a very dicult
           proposition in theregion.

           Climate change has been causing shifting
           of rainfall patterns and extreme weather events
           in the rainfed areas of Tamil Nadu
           and Rajasthan. Both the states falls under
           dry and moist semi-arid region, have
           persistent problem of land degradation,
           dependency on rainfall, overutilization of
           ground water, and complex cropping systems
           operating under fragile ecological conditions.

           Climate Proong for Development is a
           methodological tool to incorporate the
           concerns surrounding climate variability
           and change into development planning.
           It enables planners and decision makers
           to identify risks posed by current and
           future climatic changes, so as to plan and                                     Need for Scientic Water
                                                                                          Management Practices
           prioritize adaptation options for building
           resilience. Under the Adaptation Fund project
           climate proong approach was applied in 20
           watersheds in Tamil Nadu
           and Rajasthan for design of soil and water      Grassland degradation and
           conservation and livelihood interventions.
                                                           fodder collection
            Climate Change Interventions of
            NABARD – A Glimpse
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