Page 17 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 17

Project Approach

           Analysis on impact of     Treatment measures to   Customized watershed   Agriculture risk mitigation
           climate change on soil,   increase resilience of the   development measures   measures like crop insurance,
           agriculture, forests,     watershed and build     according to the climate   crop-weather-market
           pastureland, livestock, and   adaptive capacities of the   change analysis.  advisories along with overall
           communities within the    communities.                                   capacity building of
           20 watersheds.                                                           vulnerable communities
                                                                                    toward resilience building.


           Development of                       Soil health improvement           Increased availability of
           3,820            66                  through summer ploughing in       fodder/fuel through tree
                                                                                  plantation in 60 ha. area,
           units of         units of            1,607 ha.                         25,750 nos.
           Wadi/Horticul-   trellis             area and deep in ploughing in
           tural plantation                     966 ha. area                      of seedling plantation, grass
                                                                                  seeding in 162 ha. area,
           1,217            170                                                   establishment of
           kitchen garden   units of micro                                        10 nos.
                                                                                  of fodder bank, 589 units of
           105               22                                                   Azolla development as
           units of mixed    seed banks                                           livestock feed, etc
           cropping, etc

                                                                               Installation of
            Improved animal husbandry practices                                10 nos.
            through artificial insemination of                                 of Automatic Weather Stations
            animals, construction of                                           (AWS) and generation of
            24           12           198                                      2,000 nos.

            feed         cattle sheds units of                                 of agro-advisories to the farmers
            management                backyard
            units                     poultry, etc

                                                                          Climate proong interventions in the watersheds
                                                                          of Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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