Page 18 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 18

Adaptation Fund


           Name of the Project: Climate Smart Actions and Strategies in North
           Western Himalayan Region for Sustainable Livelihoods of
           Agriculture-Dependent Hill Communities
           Project Focus: Agriculture
           Location: 10 Villages in Champawat District of Uttarakhand State
           Project Finance: USD 0.97 Million (Rs. 5.82 crore)
           Duration: 4 Years (2015-2019); Extended upto 2021; Completed
           Name of Executing Entity: BAIF Development Research Foundation
           Project Beneciaries: 1357 families of Small and Marginal farmers having
           land holding < 2 ha

           Project Area : e Himalayas are considered to be among the most vulnerable to climate change. Nestled amid the
           Himalayas, the state of Uttarakhand has varying climatic conditions due to variation in altitude and spatial distribution
           of the rainfall. e net increase in temperature of the state has ranged from 1.7°C to 2.2°C and rainfall from 5% to
           13% with respect to the 1970s (Uttarakhand SAPCC, 2014). Climate Change has been reported to cause receding of
           glaciers, changes in snowline, erratic rainfall, irregular winter rains, rise in temperature, increasing intensity and
           frequency of ash oods, etc.

           Champawat is the hill district of Uttarakhand spread over 1,766 km
           area, has 2.59 lakh human population, and 82 % workers engaged in
           agriculture and allied sector. Only 9 % area of the total sown area is
           irrigated in the district.

           Poor soil health and soil erosion
           coupled with heavy rainfall and
           landslides has been observed to
           adversely aect the agriculture and
           ecosystem productivity in the
           region. To address the above
           vulnerabilities, the given project
           endeavors to improve the adaptive
           capacity of rural small and
           marginal farmers including hill
           women by using combination of
           Climate Smart Farming
           Technologies, Social Engineering                                               Water Stress and Need for
           and Capacity Building Processes.
                                                                                          Scientic Crop Planning

                                                          Drying Spring in the
                                                          project district

            Climate Change Interventions of
            NABARD – A Glimpse
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