Page 36 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 36



           Name of the Project: Climate change adaptation for natural resources
           dependent communities in Kachchh, Gujarat
           Project Focus: : Sustainable Agriculture
           Location: 3 Talukas of Kachchh district (Khadir bet in Bhachau taluka,
           Abdasa taluka, Banni grassland in Bhuj taluka)
           Project Finance: Rs. 21.36 Cr (USD 3.2 mn)
           Duration: 4 years (2017-2021); Extended upto 2022; Ongoing
           Name of Executing Entity: Gujarat Ecological Education and Research
           (GEER) Foundation, Gujarat.
           Project Beneciaries: Total of 2170 direct beneciaries (1230 households
           from agricultural zone, 700  households from coastal zone and 240
           households from pastoral zone). 35% of women as beneciaries.

           Project Area: Kachchh district is the largest district of India. Spread across 23.27% of total geographical area of Gujarat
           State. Kachchh also has the longest coastline of 406 km among all districts in India. However population density of 46
           persons per sq. km. (Census, 2011) is the lowest for any district in Gujarat. e Kachchh region is one of the rare
           ecological zones in the world having a rich bio-diversity. Sea level rise along the Gulf of Kachchh is reported to be 0.4–2
           mm/year (SNC, 2012) resulting to salinity intrusion and saline coastal groundwater, endangering wetlands, inundating
           valuable land & settlement of coastal communities. e analysis of the last
           100 years (1891 to 1996) data on annual mean maximum and minimum
           temperature showed that the mean maximum temperature increased by
           0.5°C, while the mean minimum temperature has declined by 0.5°C.
           e decadal uctuation of mean maximum and mean minimum
           temperature showed a signicant raise in mean maximum temperature
           from the decade 1931-40.

           e statistical analysis of the rainfall in
           Kachchh for the years 1932-2010
           concludes that there were 11 years of
           severe drought conditions and 12 years
           of excess rains. e incidence of severe
           drought during the period 2001-2010
           has occurred only once and the
           number of good rainy years is more,
           with 2 years of excessive rain. Kachchh
           district is identied as one of the 74
           drought prone districts in India.                                              Invasion of Prosopis juliora
           Studies carried out by the Central                                             in Banni Region
           Research Institute for Dryland
           Agriculture (CRIDA-ICAR) infer that
           the inhabitants of Kachchh regions are
           increasingly vulnerable.
                                                          Grassland Degradation

            Climate Change Interventions of
            NABARD – A Glimpse
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