Page 37 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 37

Project Approach

           Baseline data collection and   Enhancing capacities   Undertake concrete       Knowledge
           vulnerability assessment of   of communities for      locally appropriate and   management and
           selected villages/Talukas for   implementing          cost-eective            mainstreaming climate
           understanding climatic and   climate change           adaptation               change adaptation.
           socio-economic scenario.     adaptation activities.   interventions that are
                                                                 sector/ community
                                                                 specic in the selected


            Baseline survey and                              800 ha
            Vulnerability          Alternate livelihood      of agricultural land   30 units
            assessment             option for                in the identified   of “Bhungroo” – an innovative
            10 villages            450                       zone brought under   water harvesting technique will
            from agricultural      families through seaweed   drip irrigation    be constructed in agricultural
            community,             cultivation and                               zone and 2 in coastal region as
            10 from                150                                           an adaptation measure

            coastal fishing        families through
            community and          polyculture in 10 villages
            12 wands               in coastal area                                            Mangrove
                                                                                              Restoration in
            from the Banni region
            (pastoral community)                                                              700 ha.
                                                                                              area has been

                    Restoration of                                               Development
                    grassland in                                                 of knowledge and outreach
                    500 ha                                                       products for dissemination the

                    of Banni region                                              project activities, experience,
                                                                                 challenges and outcomes

                                                                           Climate change adaptation interventions in the
                                                                           coastal and arid areas of Kachchh district

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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