Page 59 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 59

Project Approach

           e project is under             Rain water harvesting structures i.e.    e major interventions are
           implementation along the        check-dams are being constructed to      construction of check dams, drip
           Jonk river basin of Naupada     conserve water through the               and sprinkler irrigation systems,
           which is facing high            management of run-o and achieve         crop diversication, promotion of
           monsoon variability, poor       multi-sector improvements specically    shery & poultry, use of solar
           run-o management, and          in water conservation, promotion of      energy, training and capacity
           decline in agriculture and      horticulture, developing shery, water   building initiatives to build the
           shery productivity.            use eciency for reducing vulnerability   capacity of the agro-ecosystem,
                                           and enhancing the resilience of the      allied activities, and local
                                           traditional livelihood systems.          communities.


                              Facilitate farm level                          Deployment of
           Improved water     water management       Introduction of         15 Solar
                                                     horticultural crops for
           conservation       through deployment of                          pumping system for efficient
           through            100 nos.               500 farmers             use of water and promotion of
           construction of 3                                                 green energy
           check-dams along   of drip and sprinkler
                              irrigation systems
           the Jonk river                                                                     Formation of 3 nos.
           basin and                                                                          of Pani Panchayats
           achieving the                                                                      and its linking to
           command area of                                                                    500 users
           145 ha                                                                             for improving water

                                                                                              use efficiency

           Organization of
           10 training                                                           Introduction of fishery in farm

           programmes on improvement of                                          ponds for
           water efficiency, sustainable                                         100 landless
           agriculture practices, climate                                        people and
           risk reduction, alternate
           livelihoods, etc                                                      50 units
                                                                                 of poultry through Common
                                                                                 Interest Groups

                                                                            Climate Resilient Interventions to enhance
                                                                            resilience for traditional livelihood in Nuapada

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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