Page 58 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 58



           Name of the Project: Conserve water through the management of run-o
           in the river basin to reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience for
           traditional livelihood in Nuapada
           Project Focus: Water Resource Conservation and Management
           Location: Naupada District of Odisha
           Project Finance: Rs. 20 Crore (USD  3 million)
           Duration: 3 Years (2015-2018); Extended upto 2022; Ongoing
           Name of Executing Entity: Department of Water Resources,
           Govt. of Odisha
           Project Beneciaries: 600 Nos households along the Jonk River Basin of
           Nuapada District, Odisha

           Project Area: e East Indian State of Odisha with 480 km coastline is considered vulnerable due to climate mediated
           cyclones, coastal erosion, and water resources dependent on the monsoons. About 80-85 % of the state’s population is
           rural dependent on agriculture which is a climate sensitive sector, has 60 % area under rain fed agriculture and water is
           dependent on rice cultivation.  e irrigation intensity of Odisha is only 30.9 % as compared to the National average of
           44.3 % (Odisha SACC. 2013). e project district viz., Naupada falls under the drought prone zone of Western and
           South Western part of Odisha. e maximum summer temperature of this
           district goes up to 37.8 ° C and mean minimum temperature in winter goes
           up to 11.9 ° C. e high gradient of the terrain and poor water distributary
           system has been causing the problem of perpetual water stress, ash oods,
           loss of soil fertility, etc. thereby aecting paddy cultivation, food security, and
           is causing distress migration.

           e project envisions to construct
           water harvesting structures i.e.
           check-dams to conserve water through
           the management of run-o in the river
           basin to reduce vulnerability and
           enhance resilience for traditional
           livelihood systems.

                                                                                          Sea Level Rise and
                                                                                          Coastline Inundation

                                                          Deforestation and
                                                          Mineral Exploration

            Climate Change Interventions of
            NABARD – A Glimpse
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