Page 61 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 61

Project Approach

           e project           e activities like   Participatory       Periodical cleaning   e adaptation
           undertakes           replacement of      micro-vulnerability   of tanks and ponds   measures address the
           rejuvenation of 39   sluice shutter,     assessment and       are carried out at   climate change
           tanks, renovation of   plantation along   participatory       interval of every 2   impacts, and will
           186 village ponds    bunds and tank      micro-planning       years by the        enhance the adaptive
           and capacity         deepening are       exercise are         department and      capacity of local
           building of tank user   undertaken under   undertaken at tank   proper maintenance   communities in the
           associations located   the proposed      level for awareness   by the tank user   coastal areas,
           in North Western     rejuvenation and    generation and       associations.       particularly against
           part of Puducherry.  renovation works.   imparting skill based                    ground water
                                                    training to the local                    salinization and
                                                    community members.                       water scarcity.


                Rejuvenation of                 Formation of Mini Lake at            Plantation of
                39 nos.                         Padutharkollai Village in            1,000-1,300

                of irrigation tanks and         Karaikal                             trees per tank leading into
                39 village ponds in                                                  improvement of green
                Puducherry and                                                       cover, biodiversity, and
                                                                                     reduction in evaporation
                147 Nos.                                                             losses. Introduction of
                of ponds in Karaikal                                                 horticultural crops for
                                                                                     500 farmers

                                                                                   Formation of
           Improvement in water
           availability to                                                         20 tank
           8.5 lakhs                                                               user associations and
           residents of North West part of                                         preparation of tank level
                                                                                   micro-plan to focus on the
           Puducherry. Increase in Ground                                          institutional development for
           water level by 1-3 meter and                                            reviving the tank-user
           crop yield by 5-15%                                                     associations

                                                                           Interventions for integrated surface water
                                                                           management as an adaptation measures to
                                                                           climate change

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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