Page 63 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 63

Project Approach

           Small and marginal       For facilitating   To serve small      A set of 10         Climate resilient
           farmers from project     sustainable        farmers, 10 cattle   trainings are      cattle ponds are
           districts having         livestock          sheds each          carried out on      constructed for
           landholding of 1-2 ha    production in heat   harbouring  10    pre-insemination    stray cattle's to
           and having 5-15 dairy    stress condition,   cattle are         and post-           reduce over
           animals are chosen as    anoestrus          constructed at 3    insemination of     extraction of
           beneciaries of the      management (2      chosen KVKs and     cattle across 100   pasture land and
           project. To ensure       animals per house)   remaining 7 at    villages of project   livestock/agricultur
           eective gender          and articial      other Government    districts.          e based waste
           participation, 30% of    insemination       Institutions.                           methane gas
           the overall beneciaries   exercise are                                             utilization.
           under the project are    carried out.

                                                                                    Weather linked insurance
           The indigenous          The problem of cessation of normal               product would be designed
           dairy                   ovarian activity during summer                   for compensating loss in
                                                                                    milk yield based on the
           animals                 reduced to minimum through the                   correlation between Thermal
                                   practice of “Fixed-Time
           like the                Artificial Insemination”                         Heat Index (THI) of the
                                                                                    district and variation in milk
           Murrah/Niliravi buffalo   method resulting into the higher               productivity with the
           and Sahiwal cow's       milk yield
           gene pool improved by                                                    technical
           artificial insemination
           of germplasm from                                                        support
           cross breed variety                                                      from the insurance company
           of cattle

           Innovative                                                            A disease forecasting system
           300 climate                                                           providing a correlation between

           resilient sheds (100 each in 3                                        disease occurrence and changes
                                                                                 in climate, vegetation cover etc.
           districts) at the farmer’s level and                                  developed in line with National
           10-15 demonstrative sheds at                                          Animal Diseases Referral Expert
           institution level constructed                                         System

                                                                           Interventions towards climate resilient livestock
                                                                           production system in Punjab

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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